By saving one cat, you won't change the world
But you will change the world of this one cat

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Przekaż 1% na kociaki z fundacji!
Zbliżają się rozliczenia, a kociaki proszą o procencik dla nich na jedzonko.
KRS: 0000462235

Potrzebni wolontariusze!
Fundacja działa dzięki wolontariuszom, którzy opiekują się kotkami i pilnują porządku. Takich osób chcących bezinteresownie pomagać kotkom jest bardzo mało. Brakuje nam rąk do pracy, a to powoduje mniejszą pomoc potrzebującym kotom. Jeśli jesteś pełnoletni oraz chcesz nam i kotkom pomóc, zgłoś się! Czekamy na Ciebie 🙂
Helped us

About the Foundation
We have been helping homeless and free-living cats in our area for some time. During this time, we had domestic cats that for some reason ended up on the street, sick cats, harmed by people, but also wild and free-living cats that were released after help.
We also have people who want to help. Some financially, others through action … Hence the idea of creating the Foundation. Our role as an organization is to coordinate various forms of help, but also to spread awareness and empathy towards animals. We intend to use the funds obtained from collections and donations to finance the treatment and feeding of homeless and free-living cats. It is also necessary to carry out costly sterilizations to reduce the population and thus the phenomenon of homelessness. For the most deprived cats, the only salvation will be to find permanent or temporary homes.
+48 502 377 989

Foundation Board
Composition of the Foundation’s management board:
Kasia Borek
- Prezes
Bożena Borek
- Wiceprezes
How to help us
Our activity and effectiveness are based on volunteers willing to join a whole range of activities to help our little friends. Everyone can contribute something good and unique to our campaigns, so we cordially invite you!
Temporary houses
Temporating is a great adventure.
Temporary houses
The task of the temporary home is to take photos of the ward, post announcements and report on the kitten's stay in a new place if possible.
Financial assistance
Treating sick kittens is very expensive
Financial assistance
Our business is mainly based on the financial proceeds from donations paid into our bank account and donations placed in our cans.
Help with a good heart
Volunteers deal with, among others caring for cats staying in the clinic, feeding free-living cats, and often also helping to catch cats in order to sterilize them.
In-kind gifts
The kittens lack toys and scratchers
1% tax
Donate 1% of your tax to the foundation
1% tax
You can help us fill in the PIT declaration by donating 1% of the tax. in the KRS OPP field, it is enough to enter the KRS number: 0000462235
Virtual Guardian
Become a virtual guardian
Virtual Guardian
As virtual guardians, you can receive news from time to time about how your mentee is doing in our foundation conditions.
Join the collection
Every now and then we prepare internet fundraisers. We collect money for specific purposes. Join the collection for kittens from the foundation.

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